Purchase suggestions

Your purchase suggestions
Summary Suggested on Note Suggested for Status

Brookshear Glenn J, - Addison Wesley Longman, Inc

Note: Thisis a vital text for the BBIT and DBIT programmes. It Prepares students for advanced classes in computer science units Suggested for: Status: Available in the library (Quotations requested)

Frederick Forsythe, - Corgi Books

Note: This will add on to the current collection of Forsythe books in the library. Apart from being highly entertaining, his books offer great insights to international politics owing to factual and meticulous research on his part. Suggested for: Status: Available in the library (Quotations requested)

Yusuf Dawood,

Note: African Literature Suggested for: Status: Ordered by the library (Quotations requested)

Wole Soyinka,

Note: One of the best African Writers in my opinion. Suggested for: Status: Available in the library (Quotations requested)

Ikujiro Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuchi, - 1995, - Oxford University Press

Note: There may be a latest copy (after 1995) but I could not find any thus far. Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

Thomas H. Davenport, Laurence Prusak, - 1998, - Harvard Business School Press

Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

Madanmohan Rao, - 2003, - Tata-McGraw Hill

Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

Solomon, J, - 2006, - John Wiley and Sons

Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

John Walker, - Prentice Hall (2001)

Note: Is a text book, must have been ordered are you sure you do not have it? Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

ashiq hussein, - 2007,

Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)


Note: there are just a few copies of this, more plis! Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

James A. Fitzsimmons, Mona J. Fitzsimmons, - 2004, - McGrawHill, 4th Edition

Note: I need this book for teaching Management of Service Organizations Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

Neely,Adams and Kennerly,

Note: Important for CIPS and as reference book for our procuremnt department Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

Emmett, Crocker,

Note: Important for our Procurement dept and for CIPS Qualifications. Important in setting best practice in Procurement Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

Bailey, Farmer, Jessop, Jones,

Note: Important for CIPS qualifications, reference by procurement and top management on best practice practice in Procurement Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

Note: I understand the CCNA carriculum has changed. I'd like to suggest that the library tries to acquire updated text books with the latest carriculum especially book on CISCO voice (or any voip books) Books on virtualization/ hypervisor technologies which seems to be the next big thing are also greatly missing out on the shelves. Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Acquisition module cleanup.)

Kendall, K.E. Kendall, J.E., - BOOK

11/03/2022 Note: The book by Kendall & Kendall is one of the best books and the library seems to be having so few very old editions of the book. Please do something about it. Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Ordered by the library (Quotations requested)

Singleton, - 1988, - Oxford University Press, New York

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Peter Ngau and Kumssa Asfaw, - 2004, - United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Africa Office

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

- 2000, - Ignatius Press , SHSS - Article

06/11/2012 Note: Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Faculty of Actuaries, - 2002, , SFAE - BOOK

13/03/2013 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Quotation requested from suppliers)

Human Kinetics, - 2006,

Note: ISBN - 13:978073605813 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Gaman, P. M. and Sherrington, K. B., - 2007, - Butterworth-Heinemann, UK

Note: ISBN: 0 7506 2373/ 978 0 7506 2373 5 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Ed. Jim McLauchlin and Christine Little, - 2007, - Hodder Arnold, UK,

Note: 978 0 34090530 2 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Cousins, J and Foskett, D., - 2002, - Pearson- Prentice Hall, UK

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Lillicrap D. and Cousins J., - 2006, - London: Book Power

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

RH Schmidt, GE Rodrick,, - 2002, - Wiley

Note: 0471210641 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

robert mudida, - 2003, - focus publications ltd

Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined (Newer edition available in Library)

andrew loenig, - pearson education

Note: introduction to c++ programming with useful concepts and understandable language. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: Could the university acquire any of the books authored by Fareed Zakaria - exapmles include "The Post American Wortld", "The Future of Freedom", The Post Modern World" etc Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

C Hock,

Note: the book highlights and explains the four temperaments of humans and is a useful tool in learning of ethics Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Joel Osteen, - Andrews McMeel Pub

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: A COMPLETE AND AUTHORISED BIOGRAPHY BY ANY AUTHOR WOULD BE OF MUCH HELP Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Bernard Davis, Andrew Lockwood, Ioannis Pantelidis, and Peter Alcot,

Note: 4th Edition ISBN: 978 0 7506 6730 2 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

gutsav berle, - 2004,

Note: its a small business management book that is a must read for upcoming enterprenours Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Tom Rath, - 2009, - Gallup

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Tom Rath & Barry Conchie, - 2004,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Tom Rath & Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D.,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Karl pepera, - karl pepera

Note: Its a great self help book. its only available online for only19$ Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Leveent Altinay and Alexandros Paraskevas, - 2008, - Elsevier: Butterworth-Heinmann

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Laura and Al Ries,

Note: This is a good read for Marketing students Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Robert H. Woods, - 1997,

Note: ISBN 0-86612-152-8 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Raphael R. Kavanaugh and Jack D. Ninemeier, - 1991,

Note: ISBN 0-86612-117-X Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

N.T.T. Simiyu, - Profesco Business Trainers

Note: Latest Edition. please purchase, book vital in section 2 and in Kasneb reading list 2009. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Ravinder Kumar, Virender Sharama, - Prentice Hall

Note: Pls buy. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Francis Bennion,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

William B. Virts, - 1987, - Hospitality Training and Management

Note: ISBN 0-86612-114-5 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Robert Kiyosaki,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Neumann Lawrence, - 2006,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Wallbank Jewsbury, Taylor Lewis, Bailkey Hacket, - 1992, - HarperCollins publishers

Note: Reference for World Civilizations 1 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Prof.Ali Mazrui,

Note: a book plus a C.D Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Bruce Fried (Editor), Myron D. Fottler (Editor), James A. Johnson (Editor), - 2005, - Health Administration Press; Second Edition

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

richard kiosaky,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Phillip G. Clampitt , - 2005, - Sage Publications Inc.

Note: There are only 2 copies which are not enough for a class of 40. It is a course text for Communication Management Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Clampitt P.G., - 2005, - Sage Publications Inc.

Note: The call number of this book is: HD30.3C52 2005. There are only two books available for the entire MScIT class of 2010 (42 students). It is the recommended reference book for the unit COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT. Kindly arrange to have more copies of this book purchased. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Note: You can get the book from GLOBAL VILLAGE PUBLISHERS (EA) LIMITED Vision Plaza, Second Floor, Suite 37, Mombasa Road, Nairobi or call 020 - 252525/3/4/5, info@intermac.co.ke www.GVpedia.com Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Phillip G. Clampitt, - Sage Publications, Inc; 2nd edition (October 23, 2000)

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

David Newsome, Ross K. Dowling & Susan A. Moore , - 2005, - Channel Viw Publications

Note: See this link: http://books.google.com/books?id=ral_pGRWutsC&printsec=frontcover&dq=wildlife+tourism+Newsome&source=bl&ots=6vn7IrNtgZ&sig=pcv7tmGx-Ya8Fur5Arx4yQrUshA&hl=en&ei=luIZTI6EDqCcOIms1b4K&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

by Li, Z., - 2004, - Pearson Educational, Inc. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey) , 2004 Physical detai

Note: Pearson Educational, Inc. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey) , 2004 Physical details: xvi, 560p. ill. ISBN: 013127256X Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

by Li, Z., - 2004, - Pearson Educational, Inc. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey) , 2004 Physical detai

Note: Fundamentals of multimedia by Li, Z. Normal View MARC View ISBD View [ BOOK ] Authors: Drew, MS. Published by : Pearson Educational, Inc. (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey) , 2004 Physical details: xvi, 560p. ill. ISBN: 013127256X Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

RH Schmidt, GE Rodrick, - 2002, - Wiley (2002)

Note: To be used as a text in Sept. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Marshe Echols, - 2002, - Springer

Note: As a text Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Najma Dharani, - 2000, - Struik Nature

Note: Available at Bookpoint, Moi Avenue, Nairobi Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Phillip G. Clampitt University of Wisconsin, Green Bay , - 2010, - SAGE Publications, Inc

Note: Paperback ISBN: 9781412970884 £36.99 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Gitman, Lawrence J.,Addison, - 2003, - Wesley

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe, - Destiny Image

Note: Releasing Your Potential is a complete, integrated, principles-centered approach to releasing the awesome potential trapped within you. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, this book reveals a step-by-step pathway to releasing your potential. If you have been frustrated by your dreams, ideas, and visions, this book will activate your buried treasure and ignite the wheels of productivity. It will release a death blow to procrastination and set you on a path to personal fulfillment, purpose, and productivity Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe,

Note: Understanding Your Potential is a motivating look at the awesome potential trapped within you, waiting to be realized. This book will cause you to be uncomfortable with your present state of accomplishment and dissatisfied with resting on your past success. Turn your failures into motivation and your mediocrity into excellence! Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe, - Whitaker House Publishers

Note: The male is in crisis. Traditional roles once gave men stability and continuity from generation to generation. Today, the world is sending out conflicting signals about what it means to be a man. Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life---as men, fathers, and husbands. This uncertainty is disrupting their personal and professional lives, leaving them frustrated and causing them to live far below their potential. Munroe examines cultural attitudes toward men and discusses the purpose God has given them. Discover the destiny and potential of the man as he was meant to be! Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe, - Whitaker House Publishers

Note: Whether in the boardroom or the home, wherever people interact, nurture, create, or build is a place that requires leadership. Learn to cultivate your ability to influence and give direction. Identifying unique attitudes that all effective leaders exhibit, Munroe will help you develop them in order to fulfill your vocation---executive, teacher, pastor, or stay-at-home mom Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe, - Whitaker House Publishers

Note: Whether you're a businessperson, homemaker, student, or head of state, Myles Munroe explains how you can make your dreams and hopes a living reality. Your success isn't dependent on the economy or job market. You don't need to be hindered by the limited perceptions of others or by a lack of resources. Discover time-tested principles that will enable you to fulfill your vision no matter who you are or where you come from. You don't exist just to earn a paycheck and you weren't meant for a mundane or mediocre life. Revive your passion for living! Pursue your dream! Discover your vision, and find your true life. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe, - Whitaker House Publishers

Note: God, God Almighty, God the Creator of man--this same God, in all His power and all His majesty, stops and listens when you pray. All that God is--and all that God has--may be received through prayer. Everything you need to fulfill your purpose on earth is available to you through prayer. The biblically-based, time-tested principles presented by Dr. Myles Munroe in Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer will ignite and transform the way you pray. Be prepared to enter into a new dimension of faith, a deeper revelation of God's love, and a renewed understanding that your prayers can truly move the hand of God. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe, - Destiny Image

Note: This book is a principles-centered approach to discovering, releasing, and maximizing the God-given potential trapped within you. With practical, integrated, and penetrating concepts, this book takes you beyond doing good to experiencing your best. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe, - Destiny Image

Note: When governments collapse, human philosophies fail and your life is crashing down around you, Rediscovering the Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century. As Dr. Munroe unveils the reality and the power of the Kingdom of God, you'll be challenged to the core of your religious soul as you discover realities that few have seen, let alone talked about. Rediscovering the Kingdom will defy almost every concept you have about religion as it shifts the focus away from religion towards the ultimate issue---the Kingdom of God. You'll explore the keys that make the Kingdom function in your life, why governments and world leaders continue to fail us, and why religion can never fulfill your deepest desire. You'll also examine the pursuit of power, the present and future reality of the Kingdom, and the original message and purpose of Jesus. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe, - Destiny Image

Note: In his bestselling book Rediscovering the Kingdom, Munroe made a compelling case that the kingdom of God is the true message of the gospel and the only message that Jesus preached. Now, in Kingdom Principles, the second book in the "Kingdom" series, Munroe insists that we cannot appropriate and enjoy the benefits of God's kingdom until we understand how it operates. Accordingly, he provides a detailed examination of the principles, concepts, and characteristics of the kingdom of God. As you study such concepts as kings, lord, territory, law, citizens, royal privilege, culture, and economy, your thinking about God's kingdom and mankind's destiny will be radically transformed. Kingdom Principles will help you learn to think and act like a Kingdom citizen and the ruler God intended you to be! Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Myles Munroe, - Destiny Image

Note: Applying the Kingdom provides important context to living an abundant life through absolute priority for the Kingdom of God. Pastor, author, and teacher Dr. Myles Munroe shares secrets of success through establishing Kingdom priorities in this, his third book in the "Kingdom" series. Dr. Munroe hands you the keys to living a joyful and fulfilled life. Based on biblical principles, he thoroughly explains how the greatest: TRAGEDY in life is not death, but it is life without a purpose. CHALLENGE in life is knowing what to do. MISTAKE in life is being busy but not effective. FAILURE in life is being successful in the wrong assignment. Applying the Kingdom will bring a new sense of belonging to your spiritual, emotional, and physical life---apply the Kingdom principles today! Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

jane austen,

Note: The DVD not the book. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Note: Pls buy this book, it is in high demand by over 30 fourth years. this book will be in high demand for the coming years since a unit by the name 'monitoring and evaluation' is being offered by the university. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

C. Jordan,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Alec Fisher,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Sean Covey,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Michael Armstrong,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Wole Soyinka,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Rod Stephens,

Note: ISBN 0-7897-2681-5 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Arbinger Institute, - 2000, - Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson, - 2004, - Oxford University Press

Note: A good book on education especially on Character formation Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Donald De Marco, - Ignatius Press

Note: Suggested text for mentors and all in education Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Martin Lindstrom,

Note: Good book on the psychology of a buyer. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Penman, - 2001, - mcgraw hill

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

stallings w.,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

stallings w., - 2006,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Richard Miller Bird, - 1992, - International Monetary Fund

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Robert Shiller, - 2000,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

malcolm gladwell,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

myles munroe, - 2003, - whitaker house

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Samuel Wamae, - 2005, - Corporate Governance & Image Consultants

Note: Shifting Paradigm study text for KATC, CPA & ACCA 2.6 & 3.1 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Marybeth McCartin, Paula Feid, - Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Note: Citation: Marybeth McCartin, Paula Feid (2001), Information literacy for undergraduates: Where have we been and where are we going?, in Anne Woodsworth (ed.) (Advances in Librarianship, Volume 25), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.1-27 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2830(01)80018-0 (Permanent URL) Volume: 25 Editor(s): Anne Woodsworth ISBN: 0-12-024625-2 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Sean Covey,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Michael C. Ehrhardt, Eugene F. Brigham, - 2009, - Cengage learning

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Laura Hartman and Joseph DesJardins, - McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Note: ISBN: 0073136867 ISBN-13: 9780073136868 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Malcom Gladwell,

Note: It is a very interesting book Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Abel Gitau Mugenda, - 2008, - Applied Research & Training Services, Nairobi

Note: Purchase at least 5 copies Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Dillon, Madden & Firtle,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Borusso., - Pauline Publications.

Suggested for: Status: Ordered by the library (Quotations requested)

Ben Africa, - 2009, - Ben Africa

Note: An important journal with contemporary issues on ethics. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Joseph F. Hair, Arthur H. Money, Mike Page and Phillip Samouel, - 2007, - John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, England

Note: ISBN: 978-0-470-03404-0 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Adamantios Diamantopoulos & Bodo Schlegelmilch, - 1997, - Cengage Learning (United Kingdom)

Note: ISBN 9781861524300 This text is aimed at students who may not like statistics but who need to understand the subject in order to complete their course or gain employment. It is a comprehensive but digestible introduction to statistics, guiding the reader through the number crunching of data analysis without memorising formulae. It is designed to help students understand the theory of data analysis. The text is divided into three parts - understanding data, preparing data for analysis and carrying out analysis - which link the stages of the data analysis process. Examples are used throughout and hints and warnings emphasise key points. This text is suitable for all students studying quantitative methods Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

ISACA, - 2011, - Information Systems Audit and Control Association (Rolling Meadows, Illinois)

Note: The syllabus has changed starting 2011 so it would be good to have the updated manual Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Herman Reith,

Note: The Metaphysics of St Thomas Aquinas Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Najma Dhrani,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: In this book edited with an introduction by Raymond Arroyo, Mother Angelica shares many of her most intimate thoughts and prayers for the first time. For Mother, the face of prayer is an unceasing daily conversation with the Divine. Here she shares a lifetime of her private prayers and devotions so that you can experience and utter the very words that have shaped her incredible life. This remarkable collection details Mother Angelica's personal dark night of the soul. It also includes many special devotions and meditations. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: Editor Raymond Arroyo draws on hundreds of never-before-released private lessons to present the renowned nun's definitive take on the Holy Scriptures. Mother provides readers with guided meditations and probing personal questions, and unearths an often-overlooked practical spirituality. She doesn't just explain the stories, she relates them to our daily lives, helping even those who've never opened the Bible appreciate its power and life-altering lessons. Read by Lorna Raver on 7 discs totaling 9 hours. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: Dale Ahlquist, the president of the American Chesterton Society, teaches us how to "look at the whole world through the eyes of Chesterton." There is much to learn from the versatile and prolific Englishman who wrote numerous books on a variety of themes, hundreds of columns for London newspapers, epic poetry and detective fiction. His unique writing style combines philosophy, spirituality, history, humor and paradox, making him one of the favorite authors of the 20th century. Paperback. 316 pages. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: The year 2009 marks Charles Darwin's 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of his Evolution of the Species. Since its publication, readers and theorists tend toward making a demon or a secular saint out of the scientist. Dr. Benjamin Wiker seeks to set the record straight painting a clear picture of the kind of man Darwin was and providing an illuminating explanation of his evolutionary theories. Hardcover. 256 pages. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: Dr. Peter Kreeft presents an imaginary dialogue in which Socrates questions Immanuel Kant on his Critique of Pure Reason and Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals. Set in the afterlife, the conversation between the two great minds lays out the key issues. The result is a helpful, highly readable book for both beginning and advanced students of philosophy. Paperback. 326 pages. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: Few Catholic thinkers have left as deep and permanent a mark on the intellectual, cultural and pastoral life of the Church as Cardinal Newman. Roderick Strange sheds new light in this book on the controversies and achievements that defined the life and brilliance of this great mind in this book. Paperback. 174 pages. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: Peter Kreeft presents this introduction to help beginners understand philosophy and also fall in love with it. In his forty years of teaching philosophy, Kreeft says that the most effective way to accomplish this purpose is to read Socrates. Philosophy means "the love of wisdom," and Kreeft uses Socrates' dialogues to help the reader grow in that love. Paperback. 149 pages. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: SOCRATES MEETS DESCARTES The Father of Philosophy Analyzes the Father of Modern Philosophy's Discourse on Method, by Peter Kreeft. This is the fifth volume in the series by the well-known philosophy professor Peter Kreeft, in which Socrates cross-examines other philosophers. In this volume, Kreeft states that Socrates and Descartes are perhaps the two most important philosophers who have ever lived. This is a dialogue between the fundamental stages in the history of philosophy, the history of consciousness and the history of Western culture. Paperback. 237 pages. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: Dr. Peter Kreeft presents an imaginary dialogue in which Socrates the founder of Communism, Karl Marx. Humorous, frank, and insightful, the result is a helpful, highly readable book for both beginning and advanced students of philosophy. Topics covered include such varied subjects as private property, the individual, the "Three Philosophies of Man", women, individualism, and more. Paperback. 199 pages. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Pope Benedict XVI,

Note: an interview of the pope about the catholic church and the modern times a masterpiece to read for understanding the Roman Catholiic church. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: This movie is very useful for the teaching of Critical Thinking and Philosophical Anthropology. it can be bought online on http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddvd&field-keywords=12+angry+men&x=0&y=0 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Ireland/Hoskisson/Hitt, - 2009, - South- Western CENGAGE Learning

Note: PLease get more copies of this book, it is really in demand and the exams are around the corner. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Malcolm Gladwell,

Note: A much bneeded addition to the library as it focuses on issues of success in everyday life not just the lclasswork Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: It is an audio visual,the school already owns a copy that the ACCA Group 2 students watched on the 21st of March.It dwells on the collapse of Enron Ltd. which was a huge company. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Stephen Fried, - 2010, - CRC press

Note: ISBN: 9781439820162 ISBN 10: 1439820163 Publication Date: June 16, 2010 Number of Pages: 302 Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Vernon J Bourke, - 1951, - Macmillan

01/01/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Gilson, Etienne, - 1999, - San Francisco Ignatius Press

31/01/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Note: I am a MSCIT student with a strong passion for IT and Telecommunication, I would like to ask if it is possible for the Library to subscribe to the IEEE RFC(Request For Comment) repository so that we can be able to review the base on which IT is build upon. This will help us to upgrade our current status of been IT consumer to IT producers and will also help us to comment on upcoming protocol specification changes. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

C Geltner and E Miller,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Andrew Morton, - 1998, - Michael O'Mara

Note: As a book of great importance to Kenya, this book should be purchased. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Donald J. Trump,Meredith McIver,

Note: Donald Trump is all about unlikely success. His glittering urban towers, undulating golf courses, opulently outfitted wives (two former and one current, a fashion model), and prolonged reality TV moment serve as ongoing evidence that his boundless self-confidence can turn seemingly impossible dreams into reality. In Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education in Business and Life, written with Meredith McIver, the real estate tycoon and TV star generously fills us in on the secrets of his success -- and explains how we, too, can prevail in our career endeavors. Turns out Trump's power is not in his hair (if that is his hair) but in his mind. "Champions are born and champions are made," he writes. "Champions think big. Champions work in a big-time way. Champions are focused. Champions are disciplined. Come to think of it, champions think like champions." Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Inmo, W H, - 2002, - John Wiley New York

Suggested for: Status: Ordered by the library (Quotations requested)

Berson, A and Smith, S. J., - 1997, - McGraw-Hill

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Kimball, R, - 2002, - John Wiley & Sons Inc. NY

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Connolly & Begg, - 2002, - Addison Wesley

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

deitel deitel,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Note: Book is good for ethics.Has comprehensive analysis of different temperaments. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)


Note: Book is good for ethics.Has comprehensive analysis of different temperaments. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Josephine Koeppel, - 2002, - ICS publications

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Note: Hi, i would like to make a kind request to you as a student under the SFAE faculty. As you may be aware, this faculty has been here for two years and the first class has just completed their first year. Im in the second lot and about to do my 1st year 1st symester exams.Would you please post the exams they did in their first year because though we may share the same units with other faculties, we are not tested the same way. It will be very appreciated if you do this soon so that we have an idea how we will be tested. Thank you in advance. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Keenan and Riches, - longman

Note: It is an essential book, with all elements that pertain to business law. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Sorobea N. Bogonko, - 1992, - Oxford University Press

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Sorobea N. Bogonko, - Library of Congress LC95.K4 B64 1980 (Seminar paper)

Note: Seminar paper ;, no. 2033, Seminar paper (Kenyatta University College. Bureau of Educational Research) ;, no. 2033. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Smith Barry, - 2010, - McGraw-Hill Education

Note: it is a good accounting book which i have read in the Ebrary Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Donald J. Trump,Meredith McIver,

Note: Donald Trump is all about unlikely success. His glittering urban towers, undulating golf courses, opulently outfitted wives (two former and one current, a fashion model), and prolonged reality TV moment serve as ongoing evidence that his boundless self-confidence can turn seemingly impossible dreams into reality. In Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education in Business and Life, written with Meredith McIver, the real estate tycoon and TV star generously fills us in on the secrets of his success -- and explains how we, too, can prevail in our career endeavors. Turns out Trump's power is not in his hair (if that is his hair) but in his mind. "Champions are born and champions are made," he writes. "Champions think big. Champions work in a big-time way. Champions are focused. Champions are disciplined. Come to think of it, champions think like champions." Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

denzil watson and antony head,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Hai Jin,Toni Cortes,Rajkumar Buyya, - IEEE Press, New Jersey, USA

Note: Foreword by Professor David Patterson, University of California @ Berkeley, USA http://www.buyya.com/superstorage/ Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Robert Kiyosaki,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

paul deitel,harvey deitel, - pearson publishers

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

donald f,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

greene robert,

Note: there is only one copy in the libraru which will be due in december Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library (Quotations requested)

Sheila O'flanagan,

Note: Hallo! I would also recommend other books by the same wrier. Plus additional books by Mary Higgins Clark.They are very educative. Thanks. Regard, Serah. Suggested for: Status: Suggestion declined

Steve McConnell, - 2004, - Microsoft Press

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Delloite ,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library


Note: This book has helped changed a lot of people life through carsons life story.It is a must read for anybody who wishes to be succesful in life.please consider buying it. Status: Checked by the library


Note: I am surprised by this strathmore culture during exam times.The students are doing exams only wishing to avoid retakes.What a poor form of motivation.Please get the book for the students to read and realise that we are not created by God to be average.The heights you attain in life are greatly influenced by your expectations.The higher your expectation the higher your achievements and vice versa. Status: Checked by the library

Ndungu Njuguna,Adam Christopher and Paul,

Note: There are only two books available in the whole library and as for now all are borrowed. This book is on demand especially from students who are doing Economics. Pliz purchase some more. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Jeff Olson, - Momentum media

Note: A book about how small but consisent changes sustained over time will lead to massive gains over time. Suggested for: Status: Ordered by the library

Richard Kotas, - 1981, - international text book comany

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Collin Drury, - 1996, - international thomson press

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Raymond S Schmidgall, - 2008, - the education institute of American hotel and motel association

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Feisal Khan, - 2010, - Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Shimmer Chinodya, - 1991, - Heinemann

Note: Shimmer Chinodya is one of the finest Zimbabwean writers. Her addition to the current collection of African Literature will help readers be diverse and more knowledgeable of Southern Africa's literary talent and experiences. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Binyavanga Wainaina, - Graywolf Press

Note: Binyavanga Wainaina is one of Kenya's literary stars. After winning the prestigious Caine Prize in 2002, he went on to write the book mentioned above. It is his memoir. Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Tellegen, , SLS - BOOK

04/11/2011 Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Drummond, - 1997,

03/01/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Deitel @ Deitel, - Pearson (New Jersey) , FIT - BOOK

22/01/2012 Note: we need a later edition of the same because the one that is currently available is 2nd edition the year 2002 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

- [Economist Newspaper Ltd.,

Suggested for: Status: Available in the library

- Universidad de Navarra,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Albert W. Alschuler, - 2000, - University of Chicago (London) , FIT - BOOK

27/03/2012 Note: Fr Cormac Burke Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)


27/03/2012 Note: requested BY FR JP Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

John Haldane, , SHSS - BOOK

23/04/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Tammy D alen #Lilian Elby,

30/04/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Trachtenberg, Stephen Joel, - Johns Hopkins , SSTH - Article

09/05/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

- Liason Media

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

- Kommunication Ultimate Ltd.

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

- Business Post Media Services

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

Abramson, Howard S., - Crown Publishers,

Suggested for: Status: Accepted by the library

James Tooley, - 2000, - Cassel (London) , SHSS - BOOK

22/05/2012 Note: Suggested by Fr Cormac Burke Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Gordonn W. Allport, - 1968, - Beacon Press (Boston) , SHSS - BOOK

22/05/2012 Note: suggested by Fr Cormac Burke Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Diana Ridley , - SAGE Publications

30/05/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Albert W. Aschuler, - 2000, - University Of Chicago Press (London) - BOOK

30/05/2012 Note: suggested by Fr Cormac Burke Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Ruggero J. Aldisert, - 2001, - Contemporary Medical Education , SLS - BOOK

21/06/2012 Note: Requested by J.Branya via L.Franceschi and T.Kiboi (see email 11/06/2012] Suggested for: Status: Ordered by the library (Awaiting LPO)

A. Soeteman, - 1988, - Springer , SLS - BOOK

21/06/2012 Note: Requested by J.Branya via L.Franceschi and T.Kiboi - see email 11/06/2012] Suggested for: Status: Available in the library (Awaiting LPO)

michael murungi, - 8, - Kluwer Law International , SMC - BOOK

22/06/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

- Kenya Institute of Management

Suggested for: Status: Available in the library

Buelens,Marc;Sinding,Knud;Waldstrom,Christian, - 2011, - McGraw Hill Higher Education , SMC - BOOK

09/07/2012 Note: Selected by Mrs.Dimba Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Hitt,Michelle A.;Colella,Adrienne;Miller,C.Chet, - 2011, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

09/07/2012 Note: Selected by Mrs.Dimba Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Hill, Charles W.L, - McGraw Hill Higher Education: 8 rev ed 2010 , SMC - BOOK

10/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Quotation requested from suppliers)

John D Cone & Sharon L Foster, - 2006, - APA , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: A good book for theses! Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Gupta, , SMC

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Roventos Tarrida,Agusti, - 2011, - Roventos London , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Larson,Ron, - 2009, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Tan Soo Tang, - 2011, - Cengage Learning Custom Publishing , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Tucker,Alan, - 2012, - John Willey & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Sinha,Amritasu, - 2009, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Chapra,Steven C, - 2011, - Mc Graw Hill Education , SMC - Article

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

G.T Vinig, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Herberman,Richard, - 2003, - Perason , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Leslie Marsh, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

David M. Drukker, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Tobey,Jr.,John S.;Salter,Jefferey;Blair,Jamie, - 2008, - Pearson , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Jon D. Erickson, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Blyth,T.S.;Robertson,E.F, - 2002, - Springer London , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

George G. Judge , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Mary E. Burfisher, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Aviad Heifetz, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Kevin D. Hoover, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Peter J. Montiel, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Jagjit S. Chadha , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Hurst,Edward;Gould,Martin, - 2009, - Springer London , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Kenneth A. Reinert, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Edward J. Balleisen , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Elena Ianchovichina , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

cleaves,Cheryl S.;Hobbs,Margie J.;Noble,Jeffrey, - 2011, - Prentice Hall , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Andres Perea, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

William Nickels, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Angelo Kinicki , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Stewart,James, - 2011, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Coburn,John W, - 2009, - McGraw Hill Higher Education , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Anne Lawrence, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Frank T Rothaermel, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Beecher,Judith A.;Penna,Judith A.;, - 2010, - Pearson Education , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Young,Cynthia Y, - 2012, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

David Day , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Michael J Worth, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

De, U C. Shaikh,A . A, - 2009, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

George Boyne , , FIT - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Thangavel,K.;Balasubramaniam,P., - 2006, - Narosa Publishing House , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Anton,Howard;Busby,Robert C., - 2003, - John Wiley & Sons , SHSS - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Rai,B.;Choudhury,D.P.;Freedman,H.I., - 2002, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Edwards,C.Henry;Penney,David., - 2008, - Pearson , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Krantz,S., - 2004, - McGraw Hill Higher Education , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Doshi,J.B., - 2008, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Colin Drury, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Colin Drury, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Maryanne Mowen, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Coombes,Kevin R.; Hunt,Brian R.;Limpsman,Ronald L.;Osborn,John E;Stuck,Garrett J, - 1997, - John Wiley & Sons , FIT - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

James Reeve, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Fred Phillips, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Peter C Brewer , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Hunt,Brian R.;Lipsman,Ronald L.;Osborn,John E.;Outing,Donald A.;Rosenberg,Jonath, - 2005, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Will Seal, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

K R Subramanyan , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Hunt,Brian R.;Lipsman,Ronald L.;Osborne,John E.;Rosenberg,Jonathan , - 2005, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Martin Freedman, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Borrelli,Robert L.; Coleman,Coutney S., - 2004, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Timothy Mayes, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

De, U C. Shaikh,A . A, - 2007, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Gallier,Jean, - 2011, - Springer Verlag , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Johnsonbaugh,Richard, - 2008, - Pearson , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Chandrasekhara Rao,K, - 2011, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Amarantha,T, - 2003, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Boyce,William E.;DiPrima,Richard C., - 2008, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Frank Reilly, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Don Chance, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Jonathan Batten , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

John Kensinger, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Boyce,William.;Diprima,Richard C., - 2009, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Ashok Robin, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

William B Brueggeman , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Steen Thomsen , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Philippe Jorion , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Edwards,C.Henry ;Penney,David, - Pearson , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Gerald Keller, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

David Anderson, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Stephen Haag, , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

James .A. O’ Brien , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Cobb,George W., - 2008, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

David Avison , , SOA - BOOK

16/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Atkinson,Kendall E., - 1989, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Prasad,Devi, - 2007, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Lawson,Terry, - 1996, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Shirali,Satish;Vasudeva,H.L, - 2006, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Iyengar,S.R.K.;Jain,R.K, - 2006, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

- 2005, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Maki,Daniel P.;Thompson,Maynard, - 2005, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Scheinerman,Edward R., - 2005, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - Audio Tape

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Close,Charles M.:Frederick,Dean K.;Fredrick,D., - 2001, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Jean Lave & Etienne Wenger, , SHSS - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Mary Omingo Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Alder,Frederick R., - 2012, - Cengage Learning , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Stewart,James, - 2011, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Shifrin,Theodore, - 2004, - John Wiley & Sons , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestion made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Nanda .S, - 2012, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Somasundraram, D, - 2001, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Rai, B; Choudhury, - 2005, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Sharma, J.N; Singh, K, - 2008, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Howie, John M., - 2001, - Springer (London) , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Bingham, Nick; Fry, John, - 2010, - Springer (London) , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Requested by Prof. Onyango. Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Kay, David C., - 2000, - S , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Requested by Prof. Onyango. Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Luthar, I. S, - 2005, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Requested by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Stewart, James, - 2011, , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Requested by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Oksendal, Bernt, - 2003, - Springer , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Shaikh, - 2007, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Ramachandra,K, - 2007, , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Thomas Jnr, - 2009, - Pearson , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Thomas Jnr, - 2009, - Pearson , SMC - BOOK

16/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof. Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Cramer,Duncan, - 2003, - Open university press , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Black,Ken, - 2010, - John Wiley &sons:2008 , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Kutner,Michael H.:Neter,John:Nachtsheim,Christopher J.:Wasserman,William, - 2004, - Mc graw-Hill Education , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Muller,Keith E.:Nizam,Azhar:Kleinbaum,David G.:Kupper,Lawrence L., - 2007, - BROOKS/Cole , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Doane,David P.:, , FIT - Article

17/07/2012 Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Cooray,T.M.J.A, - 2008, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Berenson,Mark L.;Levine,David:Krehbiel,Timothy C.,Stephan,David, - 2011, - Pearso Education , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Lind,Douglas A.,Marchal,William G.,Wathen,Samuel Adam, - 2012, - McGraw Hill Higher Education , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Brzezniak,Zdzislaw:Zastawniak,Tomasz, - 1998, - Springer Verlag , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Bansal,A.K., - 2007, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Levine,David M.,Krehbiel,Timothy C.,Berenson,Mark L., - 2009, - Pearson , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Chattamvelli,Rajan, - 2008, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Kuehl,Robert O., - 1999, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Field,Andy;Miles,Jeremy;Field,Zoe, - 2012, - SAGE Publications , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Field,Andy;Miles,Jeremy, - 2010, - SAGE Publications , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Field,Andy, - 2009, - SAGE Publications , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Carver,Robert,Nash,Jane Gradwohl, - 2009, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Carver,Robert;Nash,Jane Gradwohl, - 2011, - Cengage learning , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Bluman,Allan G., - 2011, - McGraw Hill Higher Education , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Pelosi,Marilyn K.,Sandifer,Theresa M., - 2003, - John Wiley &sons , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Montgomery,Douglas C.,Runger.,George C.,Hubele,Norman F., - 2007, - John Wiley &sons , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Kale,B.K, - 2005, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Koehler,Anne B.,Bowerman,Bruce;O'Connell,Richard, - 2003, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Rosner,Bernard R., - 2010, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Mukhopadhyay, - 2004, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Winston,Wayne L.,Venkataramanan, - 2002, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Hoel,Paul G., - 1984, - John Wiley &sons , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Kulkarni,V.G, - 2010, - Springer Verlag , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Scheaffer,Richard L.,Young,Linda, - 2009, - Brooks/Cole , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Feller,William, - 1968, - John Wiley &sons , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)

Basu,A.K, - 2002, - Alpha Science International , SMC - BOOK

17/07/2012 Note: Suggestions made by Prof.Vitalis Onyango Suggested for: Strathmore University (Main Library) Status: Available in the library (Delivered, now available in the library)