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Samuel Pepys: the man in the making '' Arthur Bryant Mens cujusque is est quisque by Series: The Fontana library
Publication details: London, Uk Collins Clear-Type Press 1961
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: DA447.P4.B8 1961.
The early history of Rome Books I V of the history of Rome from its foundation Titus Livy by Series: Penguin classics
Publication details: London, Uk Penguin Books 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: DA207.L5 B35 1969.
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My family and other animals Durrell, G. by
Publication details: London, UK. The Penguin Group 1980
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: QH151.D8 1956.
Shakespeare Brown, I. by
Publication details: London, UK. The Reprint Society 1951
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: PR2895.B7 1949.
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The UK economy : A manual of applied economics / edited by Prest, AR., Coppock, DJ. by
Edition: 5th
Publication details: London, UK. Weidenfeld and Nicholson Publishers 1974
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (4)Call number: HC256.5.U3 1974, ...
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Economics of wages and labor / Hunter, LC. and Robertson, DJ. by
Publication details: London, UK Macmillan 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (3)Call number: HD8391.H85 1969, ...
The Economy of Africa / Hazlewood, A. by
Publication details: London, UK Oxford University Press 1961
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (3)Call number: HC502.H38 1961, ...
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The Everest years A climber's life Bonington, C. by Series: Coronet books
Publication details: London, UK Hodder and Stoughton 1987
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: GV199.44.E85.B68.
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Spain 1808-1939 Carr, R. by
Publication details: London, UK Oxford University Press 1966
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: DP203.C3 1966.
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Company law Oliver, MC. by
Edition: 4th
Publication details: London, UK Macdonald and Evans 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (5)Call number: KD2079.O45 1973, ...
The Companies act 1967 A handbook for lawyers, accountants and company officials Wedderburn, TM. by
Publication details: London, UK Sweet & Maxwell Publishers 1967
Availability: Not available: Strathmore University (Anjarwalla & Khanna Library): In transit (1).
Sowing the mustard seed The Struggle for freedom and democracy in Uganda Museveni, Y. by
Publication details: London, UK Macmillan Publishers Limited 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: DT433. 286 .M87 1997.
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The Essence of human-computer interaction Faulkner, C. by Series: Essence of computing
Publication details: London, UK Prentice Hall 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (7)Call number: QA76.9.H85F38 1998, ...
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Siege Malta 1940-1943 Bradford, E. by
Publication details: London, UK The Penguin Books 1987
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: D763.M3B73 1987.
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Dream and your dreams will fall short Casciaro, P. by
Publication details: London, UK Scepter Publishers Limited 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (2)Call number: BX819.3.O68.C37 1997, ... Strathmore University (Uzima Lending Library) (1)Call number: BX819.3.O68.C37 1997.
Hitler's spies The Extraordinary story of German military intelligence Kahn, D. by
Publication details: London, UK Arrow books Limited 1980
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: D810.S7K25 1980.
The Story of england Makers of the realm Bryant, A. by
Publication details: London, UK The Reprint Society 1955
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: DA32.5.B79 1955.
The Jungle is neutral Chapman, FS. by
Publication details: London, UK Chatto and Windus 1949
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: D767.5.C5 1949. Strathmore University (Uzima Lending Library) (1)Call number: D767.5.C5 1949.
The Longest day The Authentic story of d'day Ryan, C. by
Publication details: London, UK Four Courts Press 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: D756.5N6R9 1962.
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Vanity fair Thackeray, WM. by Series: Penguin classics
Publication details: London, UK The Penguin Group 1994
Availability: Items available for loan: Strathmore University (Main Library) (1)Call number: PZ3.T325Va 1994.

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