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Food sustainability [electronic resource] : diverging implications / Chris Griffith. by Series: British Food Journal. No. 5 ; ; v. 106.
Publication details: Bradford, England : Emerald Group, 2004
Availability: (1)
Substrate technology [electronic resource]. by Series: Circuit World. No. 4 ; ; v. 30.
Publication details: Bradford, England : Emerald Group, 2004
Availability: (1)
Leadership development [electronic resource]. by Series: Strategic direction ; v. 20, no. 6, 2004.
Publication details: [Bradford, England] : Emerald Group Pub., 2004
Availability: (1)
Second generation e-learning [electronic resource] : serious games / Drew Davidson. by Series: On the Horizon. No. 1 ; ; v. 12.
Publication details: Bradford, England : Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2004
Availability: (1)
The academic/practitioner divide in marketing - myth or reality? [electronic resource] / Guest editor, Ross Brennan. by Series: Marketing Intelligence & Planning. No. 5 ; ; v. 22.
Publication details: Bradford, England : Emerald Group Publishing, c2004
Availability: (1)
Flooding [electronic resource] : implications for the construction industry / guest editor Dr. David Proverbs. by Series: Structural survey ; .22, no. 2
Publication details: Bradford, England : Emerald Group Publishing, c2004
Availability: (1)
Improving audit effectiveness [electronic resource] / Editor, Gerald Vinten. by Series: Managerial auditing journal ; v. 19, no. 7.
Publication details: Bradford, England : Emerald Group Publishing, c2004
Availability: (1)
National leadership grants [electronic resource] / Guest editors, Timothy W. Cole and Sarah L. Shreeves. by Series: Library hi tech ; v. 22, no. 3.
Publication details: Bradford, England : Emerald Group Publishing, c2004
Availability: (1)
Stakeholders in perspective [electronic resource] / Guest editor, Yvon Pesqueux. by Series: Corporate Governance. No. 2 ; ; v. 5.
Publication details: Bradford, England : Emerald Group Publishing, c2004
Availability: (1)

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